Baffin Bay & its Legacy

With an estimated 100 square miles of secluded shoreline, Baffin Bay is known to be one of the prime destinations for anglers of all kinds. Beneath the suface is a structure unlike any bay on the Texas Coast, here lies  pre-salidified worm manure in water depth ranging from a foot to ten feet. Baffin Bay is also one of the saltiest bodies of water on the Texas Coast, and is known to hold and produce trophy sized speckled trout, redfish and flounder. With salinity levels ranging from 44-55 parts per thousand & during drouts it can reach much hire levels, our speckled trout have acclimated to these conditions and therefore remain here for the enitety of their lives, this is why we have many oversized speckled trout. 


Fishing for trophy speckled trout & what to use

Light tackle is essential to tricking these trophy trout! Your rod and reel must be light enough to where you can feel every twitch, bump and drag. Light tackle also makes for a more comfortable fishing experience. Your guide will help you choose your tackle carefully based on the structure, weather and water clearity that you are fishing in.

The weather on the Texas Coast and its impact on Baffin Bay

Weather can vary during different times of the year here in Baffin Bay. With mostly humid & warm conditions all year round, we typically experience rainfall in the springtime and early fall. June to August brings chances of hurricanes in the Gulf with the hot tempertures and the occasional low pressure system. Its best to always be prepared for a surpise shower during spring time and summer days. 

Waterfowl hunting on the shorelines of Baffin Bay

With a plethora of returning ducks on the shorelines and back lakes of Baffin Bay, the duck hunting experience is sure to leave you wanting more! With around 14 different scpecies of ducks, this allows for a thrilling experience. 

Your stay on Baffin Bay

Maxwells on Baffin offers one of the most afforable stays on Baffin Bay & comes highly recommended! Here you will find a 5-star rated home located on the waters edge with a private lighted pier, outdoor kitchen area and two bedrooms for your restful evening after fishing the shorelines of Baffin Bay. 


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